June 30 2010 Trades

First trade today (not sure why the arrows aren’t showing up, so I drew them in with circles in MSPaint). OEC is a great brokerage but sometimes the options on the charting platform (such as showing order entries/exits) seem to randomly disable themselves, especially after upgrades.

1039 * 1
1037.75 * 3
1036.75 * 5

Out 1042.50

$2310.60 after commission.

From looking at the chart, someone might see where the top of the fib lines are (1042.50) and ask “why did you draw the line there rather than at the first high of 1042.25?” The answer is because when price hit 1042.25 and started retracing, it didn’t retrace far enough to get to the first retracement (38%), so it didn’t really count as a “top.” If you draw the fib lines there, you’ll see that price doesn’t make the first retracement (the green line, I don’t know what that gray one that OEC draws is all about) and just continues higher.

You might also notice that, from the time price started retracing, there were multiple opportunities to go short (although I didn’t take them because I was already long, but that could have been an interesting hedging opportunity).

6-30-2010 trades

This afternoon was full of short winners, but I stopped after the trade this morning because I figured after being away from the game for months, I was content with a single winner for my first day back. Here’s a pic of the afternoon, but you’ll have to excuse the confusion on this pic because OEC draws fib lines to the right forever (as opposed to having them stop at the point on the Y axis where you drew the original line to). So I tried to annotate this pic with diagonal lines where they were drawn because right now it’s just a giant mess of lines. I probably wouldn’t have taken that last trade because 15 minutes before the market closes is way too close for comfort. I don’t want to get stuck with a position afterhours or overnight.

6/30 PnL: $2,310.60

All the trades I missed this afternoon.

6-30-2010 trades2

March 24 2010 Trades

Only two trades today.

The first one was a loss, and it was another BS loss. Price went 2 ticks below the stop loss and then reversed and went back up to the target profit (and above).

The second one was the widest trade I’ve done yet, this time missing the stop loss by 2 ticks and then going back down to the target profit for the largest winner I’ve ever had in a single intraday trade. And yes, it would’ve also been my biggest single losing trade if it had stopped out.

I stopped after the second trade because it was almost 2pm (market time) and because I was elated at such a big win and I wanted to deal with those emotions.

$3,056.40 for the day

3-24-2010 pnl

$4,991.20 for the week

3-23-2010 Trades

Today was a crazy day.

-$428.60 from 6 trades.

The 5th trade, (-$1207.80) was BS. Price went down EXACTLY to the same level as the base of the fib range, stopped me out, and then went back up to the target profit level. Stupid double bottom

Another big loser in there but at least that one wasn’t a BS double bottom. I’m still using the doubled contract sizes (2,6,10) and will continue to do so unless I specify otherwise.

-$428.60 for the day

3-23-2010 pnl

$1,934.80 for the week

March 22 2010 Trades

There have been two pullbacks so far today, neither of which has touched even the first retracement level. Here’s the most recent one.

(it’s the green line; that grey line is some other retracement that I don’t use but can’t turn off).

3-22-2010 trades

edit 10:05am: Holy cow that was fast.

edit 3:00pm:

Two trades today.

I doubled my position sizes now to keep the ratios the same as before. 2, 6, 10.

First trade only hit the first 2 levels (8 contracts), second trade hit all 3 levels (18 contracts).

$2,363.40 for the day.

$2,363.40 for the week.

3-22-2010 pnl

March 19 2010 Trades

First trade. Red circles = sells, green circle = cover.

3-19-2010 trades

Second trade, same notation.

This trade took forever to close. I thought I was going to have to close it early because I didn’t think it would end before the market closed.

3-19-2010 trades 2

3-19 PnL.

Big profit for the day, and it was a trendy day.  This system excels in trendy environments (assuming the pullback is far enough to hit the first entry point).

$2,329.20 for the day.

3-19-2010 pnl

$4,178.30 for the week.

Week stats:

6 winning trades: average size = $932

2 losing trades: average size = -$709.65


March 18 2010 Trades

I’m in a trade 9 contracts deep now but I don’t know if price is going to move enough in the next 30 minutes before the market closes. I may have to exit early.

If the trade goes to completion, the possible outcomes are:

win: $1,500 (approx after commission)

lose: -$1,150 (approx after commission)

But because of the time factor I might just cut it early for a smaller gain or loss. I’m not worried either way though because my first trade today was a $1,070 net winner.

I’m honestly getting kinda bored sitting here and watching price move 1 tick every 5 minutes. What’s going on?


I exited at 1165.75 because the market closes in 2 minutes. This makes my loss for that trade just under $600 which is better than if I had taken a full loss, and leaves me net positive for the day.

Slow end of the day.

Even though neither my target profit nor my stop loss were hit, I didn’t want to let the trade stay open into afterhours or overnight. That’s why I exited now.

$502.20 for the day.

$1,849,10 for the week.

3-18-2010 pnl

March 17 2010 Trade

I’m in my last trade of they day. If price hits 1170 before it hits 1165.50 then I win. If it hits 1165.50 first then I lose.

Regardless, it’s getting to be late in the day so I’m not going to take any more trades after this one.

My first trade of the day was only 4 contracts deep and was just over $400 winner.

If this current trade loses, I’ll be net -$400 or -500 or so for the day. Not too bad.

Update: I’m now in this last trade 9 contracts deep. It’s go time

Update: out for a loss.

-$444.80 for the day.

$1,346.90 for the week.

3-17-2010 pnl